Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Story post...

I've been friends with this kid lets name him "Darell" Darell & I have been friends for 5 years we where pretty close. When we where little we used to go over each others house but sense we've moved away we cant see each other, his mom just got a promotion in her job. So he starts to get everything new and I start acting different because i dont have any of those things. Darell is showing me all of his cool new stuff an I say "that stuff is stupid" an we just start arguing. we got into a big argument over what we had an didn't have. Me an Darell aren't friends anymore. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

war blog.

Vietnam War Photo Homecoming VIETNAM ARCHIVAL 220Viet Cong execution....

My thoughts on this subject, In my opinion any execution is wrong. an i don't think he should've got shot no matter what happen...

Abu Ghraih

Mideast The Debate in Islam
My first thought was torture... To me i really know nothing on this subject but after reading the passage it was a prison based on torturing people and that should be illegal an not right, that torture doesn't really do anything most of the time.

Vietnam napalm attack
Vietnam Photographer's Return  VIETNAM ARCHIVAL 220

Well from the tittle you can see that there running away from a napalm strike, most of the time in war children get caught in it and that it is sad but it happens....

Friday, September 25, 2015


In robotics we had to build a robot, it was actually pretty fun we had to follow these steps an put screws an bolts in different places it seems really complicated but its really not it, all you have to do is follow directions...Robotics are important because all the devises we use as in the chrome book/computer i'm typing this on to the phone we all talk to each other on. So it's important just in case of an an emergency etc.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

To be honest. i think think that fall is pretty good, it's not that hot, but yet it's really not cold it's the perfect weather, you can still do outside activities, and the leaves are just beautiful. the colors are just perfect, an its football season! but there really isn't much to say about fall, just that it's nice to look at. an the weather.

Music Blog

One of the songs that really inspire me is a song called "love yourz" by J.Cole. this song really inspires me when i listen to it because i can really relate to it, its really about when you're feeling depressed about what you have. an that you'll never be happy until you learn to love what you have an appreciate what you/ what you mom has gone through an where you are now... it's really inspirational to be happy an just to be in a good mood....

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hey, i'm Devin... I'm from Cleveland Ohio, an i grew up in a small neighborhood, with a lot of nice people, i have two brother's one Branden an one we call JayJay, an I live with my mom an my dad. Some goals that i have is to go to school an get good grades, an go to college. when i get outta high school i wanna go straight to college an go an get my doctorate, i know i have to go for a long time but the money is worth it. i wanna live in a nice area, somewhere tropical but not to far. Some of my favorite things to do is, play video games, text on my phone, and just chill... i went to go see straight outta Compton a few weeks ago an it was a great movie, most of the time though i'm trapped in the house doing nothing...I really love to play basketball an just any sport.
I really value school work an what school can do for me but sometimes i get distracted easily but i really wanna learn. But that's really it about me. i'm just a normal child with dreams, an goals..